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Exporting Signal backups

  1. Create a backup with Signal. Be careful – if you delete all your conversations, another two backups will be enough to delete your precious backup file! So move your backup somewhere safe.
  2. For exporting the backup, I use the Docker version of signalbackup-tools provided by this repository.

    The Dockerfile has not been updated for a while so you need to change:

    FROM fedora:31


    FROM fedora:latest

    …otherwise compiling signalbackup-tools will fail. At least, it did fail for me.

  3. Create the Docker image:

    docker build -t signalbackuptools:latest .
  4. Create a directory and copy your Signal backup file there. Also, create directories for different export formats. I'll create directories for a raw export, a HTML export and a plain text export:

    mkdir raw html txt
  5. Run a container with the right parameters.

    Raw export:

    docker run -it -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" signalbackuptools:latest [backup-file] [passphrase] --output raw

    HTML export:

    docker run -it -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" signalbackuptools:latest [backup-file] [passphrase] --exporthtml ./html

    Plain text export:

    docker run -it -v "$PWD:$PWD" -w "$PWD" signalbackuptools:latest [backup-file] [passphrase] --exporttxt ./txt
  6. (Optional) In case you're migrating an old but compatible backup, you might need to add the --migratedb parameter to the commands above. Their output will tell you to do it anyway.

    If the backup is too old to be compatible, you can still do a raw export and explore the database using, for instance, sqlitebrowser.