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About me

Since 2018, I am working as a software engineer, using mainly Java. In a past life, I worked in cancer research – I received a PhD in cellular biology in 2016.

Although my long-term goal is to become a confirmed software craftsman, I consider myself an apprentice, in the sense described in the book Apprenticeship Patterns by Hoover and Oshineye.

A few things I'm interested in and you might read about, one day, on this website, in no particular order, is available in the themes page, with links to content when available.

About the website

These public notes are a way for me to put into practice the Share What You Learn pattern described in the book above.

These pages have been written with Emacs Org-mode. The publishing process is fully automatic, using Emacs in batch mode:

  1. The website itself, a network of Org files kept under version control, is "augmented" with other Org projects (or "microsites").
  2. All Org files are exported to HTML.
  3. The export is uploaded to my FTP using rclone.

This publishing process can easily be carried out on my Android phone when I'm on the go. For this, I use Termux and the great Orgzly to edit my notes.

The whys and hows of this setup will be addressed one day in a note.